
資訊頻道 - 產(chǎn)業(yè)聚焦 來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò) 作者:cdo 2019-05-27


How can a property asset keep up in a fast-paced changing market?



Ascendas Innovation Place is an example of a modernization projectexecuted successfully through accurate decision-making through a "Fullpackage service" followed through by logon.design. The building is locatedat No. 686 Jiujiang Road, adjacent to Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street nearPeople's Square and within walking distance of the Bund.



While located in a prime location, the area is characterized asa historical touristic district, therefore, protected like one. This historicaland scenic area is bounded by Jiujiang Road, known for its business character.Being at the edge of the scenic area, more specifically in the limits of oldand new buildings brings its own set of restrictions and thereforechallenges.

大廈作為既有建筑的城市更新類型項目,較短的設(shè)計周期和報批層面的提前預(yù)估,通常是投資商關(guān)注的重點。同時logon羅昂建筑團(tuán)隊考慮到業(yè)主要求:施工期間不影響現(xiàn)有租戶,較短的報批時間和有限的預(yù)算,因此本次設(shè)計不改變原有建筑的使用功能,不變動原有的建筑結(jié)構(gòu)。立面裝修的范圍集中在1-4 層區(qū)域,5 層以上僅進(jìn)行立面清理粉刷,不做大的調(diào)整。室內(nèi)進(jìn)行裝修,以提升使用者舒適感。

In modernization projects for existing buildings, short design cyclesand early estimates for approval are key points for investor interest. Toconsider the approval process for different types of interventions can helpminimize design changes as well as ensure smooth execution. In this case,creating harmony inside and out is the core design concept for the façade.



Giving a unique solution through positioning and design, thelogon.design team aimed to through limited modifications upgrade the façade andthe function. Precise positioning of the building as a Boutique Grade A officebuilding was the foundation of the reshaping of the successful project.



建筑的一、二層具有較好的可視性,logon羅昂建筑期望將其打造成為一個獨特的可以提升整棟建筑價值的目的地空間,而非傳統(tǒng)的底層功能。logon羅昂建筑引入 BOUTIQUE精品的理念,將過時的建筑改造成新的商務(wù)中心,重新定位建筑功能,將市集理念植入現(xiàn)狀低層零售空間。1-4層功能作為一個單元整體打造,集市集空間、活動空間、聯(lián)合辦公和設(shè)施于一體,以實現(xiàn)品牌重塑。

The first and second floors of the building were designed tocreate an open space with better visibility. These were adapted to the newcommercial atmosphere helping enhance the value of the building. Integratingfood and retail, event area, co-working space and facilities to achieve brandreshaping.



The original shape of the design of the facade is formed by copying andrearranging the existing modular system of the Yongan department store buildingfaçade next door and bringing it to the facade to keep the proportion andpattern harmony. By installing a decorative glass curtain wall, the originalaluminum structure wall with closed appearance was replaced, and the façadesbecame transparent in the first and second floor. The seeminglycomplicated façade is composed only of three sizes of decorative plates. Thefaçade decorative panel is a metal plate with stable physical properties, andpale gold matte surface reduces the impact on the surrounding environment.



The third and fourth floor also benefit of the metal panel sincebefore they had no daylight and now thanks to the perforated panels the spacesin these floors are able to enjoy a better working environment with daylightcoming through.



大廈室內(nèi)設(shè)計在尊重原有功能,不改變現(xiàn)有建筑疏散樓梯及前室、消防電梯的安全設(shè)計的基礎(chǔ)上進(jìn)行裝修設(shè)計。在改造過程中,logon羅昂建筑設(shè)計團(tuán)隊充分考慮平面的使用效率和適用性。1 層的東南角與西南角兩個最重要的商業(yè)可視面目前被兩部逃生樓梯實墻遮擋,為優(yōu)化底層的商業(yè)氛圍,將樓梯間處的幕墻略微外擴,營造出通透的商業(yè)效果,在東西兩側(cè)一層商業(yè)區(qū),采用Z 字折形的立面效果,增加商業(yè)可視面,突破單調(diào)的幕墻效果。7-14 層的室內(nèi)裝修基于現(xiàn)狀的疏散情況進(jìn)行平面分隔,得房率提高5%左右。

The interior design style is based on a simple style, without excessivedecoration, focusing on practicality. The 7-14 room rates have increased by 5%due to interior design efforts. The interior of the building is designed torespect the original functions and keep existing building evacuation stairs.





Maintaining the style simple and practical help to increase the heightof the floor by 30 cm. Lighting design was applied to improve lighting issuesand comfort in the interior spaces. Whilst in the corridors the original fireescape was kept, they were designed to have better lighting and spaciousappearance with a generous elevator lobby in each floor. Quality is assured bythe attention to detail by logon which was key for the success of this project.The high-quality level was achieved through On-site service led bylogon.design, an important part of the process. By solving issues throughdesign, smooth progress is ensured as well as quality.



The modernization of the Ascendas Innovation Place has created a newoffice ecosystem that combines coworking spaces, traditional office, andcommercial market. Creating more healthy working environments and more stabletenants.



In this emblematic neighborhood, Ascendas Innovation Place hasbecome a new landmark where life and work are perfectly integrated.



項目地點: 上海

項目地址: 上海市九江路686號

項目類型: 改造、辦公、零售

項目功能: 辦公

服務(wù)內(nèi)容: 建筑設(shè)計、外立面顧問

項目情況: 設(shè)計進(jìn)行中

占地面積: 31,750m2

建筑面積: 95,523m2

容積率: 2.32

建筑高度:100 米

Client: Ascendas Singbridge

Location: No.686,Jiujiang Road,Shanghai

Type: Renovation

Function: Office

Service: Facade Renovation

Status: Design Completed

Site Area: 31,750㎡

GFA: 95,523㎡

FAR: 2.32

Hieght: 100m




logon羅昂是具有德國背景的國際設(shè)計公司,為城市、建筑和室內(nèi)空間提供創(chuàng)新型解決方案。我們深信,成功的設(shè)計來自對建筑選址與定位、城市與文化、人群與肌理、以及商業(yè)模式與市場趨勢的綜合考量。 設(shè)計初始,我們跨學(xué)科的團(tuán)隊展開對項目的創(chuàng)新型研究,提供設(shè)計解決方案和商業(yè)策劃,這使得logon羅昂以更為客觀并寬廣的視角提供“一站式”服務(wù)。logon羅昂由德國知名設(shè)計師Frank Krüger 柯復(fù)南 先生和王芳女士于2005年共同創(chuàng)立。逾十年間,我們在城市規(guī)劃、建筑以及室內(nèi)設(shè)計領(lǐng)域呈現(xiàn)眾多不 同風(fēng)格及體量的作品,榮獲海內(nèi)外諸多重要的設(shè)計獎項,為業(yè)內(nèi)人士肯定的同時,更專注于連通公眾,為人們打造品質(zhì)空間。


logon is acontemporary German-Chinese architectural design firm. For over 10 years, wehave provided our clients with innovative urban, architecture, landscape andinterior design solutions. That’s how long our practice has pioneered a full package design servicesfor various types and scales of projects. Our multidisciplinary teamextensively researches and provides strategic analysis before tackling anyproject. We believe that successful design must consider site and location,city and culture, the people using it, but also the surrounding context andmarket trends. We place great importance on the viability of the businessmodel, to create better places for people. As proof of our design excellence,logon projects have regularly won awards and been recognized in the media andindustry forums and exhibitions worldwide.


