設(shè)計師專訪:馬承志 以其同名地點的景觀和歷史蘊含為榮耀

資訊頻道 - 產(chǎn)業(yè)聚焦 來源:網(wǎng)絡 作者:cdo 2019-12-09

      作為中國首都首家文華東方酒店,北京王府井文華東方酒店坐擁紫禁城絕美景致,由享譽全球的赫希貝德納聯(lián)合設(shè)計顧問公司(HBA)傾力打造。作為一座現(xiàn)代庭院式建筑,HBA合伙人、項目設(shè)計師馬承志(Federico Masin) 表示:“我們選擇使用的表達方式顯然是現(xiàn)代的,但同時又借鑒了中國傳統(tǒng)和手工藝術(shù)!蓖醺娜A東方酒店坐落于北京繁華的中心地帶,紫禁城近在咫尺,為國際游客和當?shù)乜腿颂峁┆毺囟K身難忘的體驗。

      馬承志先生畢業(yè)于威尼斯建筑學院(IUAV),主修建筑及室內(nèi)設(shè)計。在加入HBA 香港分公司之前,馬先生曾在北京和上海工作達四年之久。同時他亦曾在歐洲及澳洲等地工作過,因此擁有豐厚的工作經(jīng)驗。在2006 年,馬先生更榮獲亞太地區(qū)最佳修繕項目的盛譽,并獲得 UNESCO 聯(lián)合國教科文組織的獎項。

       作為HBA 香港分公司的董事股東之一,他除了負責項目的整體規(guī)劃及方案設(shè)計外,馬先生亦會參與項目的每一環(huán)節(jié),無論是從室內(nèi)建筑設(shè)計,還是家具材料及藝術(shù)品的挑選,馬先生都會參與其中以確保其設(shè)計能得到充分的展現(xiàn)。

      FedericoMasin 馬承志先生

     Q: As the main interior designer of Mandarin Oriental Wangfujing, could you share with us the hotel’s unique design? What kind of experience could this design bring to the guests?

A:The main idea is to emulate the architectural experience offered by the courtyard mansions that used to populate this area of Beijing: their intimacy, their charm.



       Q: As we know, you have designed lots of hotels, including Grand Hyatt Macau, Shanghai Hongqiao Intercontinental Hotel, Tianjin Shangri-La Hotel and so on. In hospitality design, do you have any principles that you always insist?

        A:I believe that architecture has 2 main levels at which it communicates, one is universal and affects all humans equally. At this level the wise use of planning strategies, geometries, scales alignments and so forth, helps us guiding the experience through the space in the way we envision it.

      There is then a more subtle second level that has to deal with psychological and cultural aspects and this is much more subtle and intuitive and requires a more specific knowledge of the guests and the culture that the project is immerse within.

I always try to look at both aspects equally, ignoring the notion of styles and focusing solely on communicating the idea we set out to communicate through the use of architectural features and finishes that hit the two levels described above. Itis interesting to notice that every project is different as it pursues a different idea, it’s the method that guides it that is constant not the results.





      Q: We know that you graduated from the University of Architecture of Venice (IUAV), specialized in architectural and interior design and started your career as an architecture designer, and then shift to interior design. In your opinion, is there any commonality between architecture design and interior design?

      A: In Italy in particular and in Europe in general, we see design as the art of solving a specific problem and communicating a particular idea.

     It’s not surprising tome that most of Italian industrial designers for furniture, cars or even fashion are actually architects by education.

     In many ways we study architecture to learn a highly structured method to solve a design problem and we apply that method at various scales. So to me architecture and interior design are different only in scale. Beyond that there are slightly different techniques that are easy to learn.





      Q: Hotel design industry is growing rapidly. How do you meet the needs of the changing design requirements?

      A: If learn how to learn you hold the key to constantly adapt to the evolution of the industry. We never copy the previous projects, every time we start afresh and we find out where the new condition leads us.



       Q: Last but not least,please share with us your acquirements in your hotel design career.

A:I have been workingin this industry for twenty years now and I feel I’m still a beginner, learninghis way through the industry. When I look back there are many projects I’mproud of, many small ideas that have helped moving the industry forward andmany people I loved to work with, including my colleagues, clients and operatorsand so on. It’s a process and I’m in the middle of it, I don’t find I haveachieved that much and I prefer to think of at myself as a beginner in order tokeep my mind open and excited to the ideas I haven’t yet thought of.




      HBA/赫希貝德納聯(lián)合設(shè)計顧問公司是全球著名的室內(nèi)設(shè)計公司,被《室內(nèi)設(shè)計》(INTERIOR DESIGN)譽為“酒店室內(nèi)設(shè)計業(yè)翹楚”。HBA為當今奢侈品牌酒店塑造別具象征性的設(shè)計,向世人揭曉了眾多萬眾期待的酒店、度假村、水療中心、娛樂場、餐廳、郵輪、獨立現(xiàn)代精品酒店以及世界級豪宅項目。自1965年以來,HBA堅持不懈地引領(lǐng)世界酒店室內(nèi)設(shè)計行業(yè)的發(fā)展,緊緊跟隨著由日益成熟的住客主導的市場脈搏。其國際化的發(fā)展進程、資深的設(shè)計經(jīng)驗和豐富的行業(yè)知識使其能夠在第一時間把握室內(nèi)設(shè)計流行趨勢,對未來的發(fā)展動向與創(chuàng)新趨勢作出決定性的預測,從而在全球?qū)用嫔嫌绊懼覂?nèi)設(shè)計標準。HBA的終極目標是為項目的持有者與經(jīng)營者增值、提高標準并提升品牌。

        HBA的設(shè)計遍布世界,每一件作品都對地方特色、建筑形態(tài)以及客戶理念作出獨特又敏銳的詮釋。HBA于全球多個主要城市設(shè)立22家設(shè)計辦公室,擁有逾1700名來自世界各地的優(yōu)秀設(shè)計師,堪稱真正的全球性公司。結(jié)合其國際影響力與對于室內(nèi)設(shè)計行業(yè)的深厚理解,HBA通過對每一個新項目的演繹不斷增進著它對于設(shè)計語言的詮釋能力。過去六年間,HBA增設(shè)了多個全新設(shè)計部門,其分支包括Illuminate燈光設(shè)計、HBA Resort、Studio HBA、Canvas藝術(shù)品顧問、HBA Architecture建筑設(shè)計、HBA Graphics標識平面設(shè)計工作室、HBAResidential、HBA PRODUCTS與HBA Gaming。


