加設計新作/ADD · PROJECT·?诿腊猜淙站频

資訊頻道 - 產業(yè)聚焦 來源:互聯(lián)網 作者:cdo 2021-03-11


Stand among non-stop blossom on this winterless island, waiting for the sunset for thousands of times.

01.Sunset City 落日之城


Right between the volcano red and the ocean blue around the north side of Hainan Island, Haikou Mei'an Sunset Hotel, for the 44th time, welcome another group of guests. Companioned with hot spring and tender fog, the visitors were well prepared with the moonrise and sunset of Qiongzhou Sea.


The hotel is located in Xiuying District of Haikou near the old town, adjacent to the West Coast Holiday Beach Tourist Area and the Crater National Geological Park. There are more than two hundred guest rooms. Blessed with rich geothermal resources, the hotel is equipped with an underground hot spring bathing system and indoor and outdoor heated swimming pools. Immerse your body with hot soothing spring, enjoy the feeble twilight through the thick steam.


Haikou really is a slow-paced coastal city. Though not as famous as Sanya, it remains the tranquility. “Slow” is a luxury word in the modern time. The life of this city is condensed with the innocence and turmoil of the entire era, in the meantime, provides people with poetic imagination.


Living slowly is not equivalent to being lazy, but searching for the context of everything, and witnessing the cycle of nature. Why not just simply enjoy it with a peaceful mind if it is impossible to keep up with the changes and every single moment? The ocean is the reason for the slowness of this city. The lights and shadows, together with the traces of the tides, picture an eternal seascape across time and space.

02. Distant Similarity 遙遠的相似性

▲ Caribbean Sea, Jamaica, 1980


"Is everything that people see today the same as prehistoric humans?" Hiroshi Sugimoto asked a question that spanned over time to shoot the Seascape series. He discovered that, during millions of years on the earth, the changes in mountains and rivers are tremendous, while the ocean is the one, and the only one, that has not been changed.

▲ Ligurian Sea, Saviore, 1993


"Seascape" is a pure expression of the form of time. Exciting and peaceful, the cycle of life engraved along the history of the universe. It seems to be at a critical value of eternal stability. Warmth and sorrow, peace and restlessness, silence and whine, all fade to uncertainty. The mysterious “Zen” lies within the changing potential energy in tranquility, which people can feel from no matter where.

▲ Mark Rothko ( September 25, 1903 – February 25, 1970)


"Color is the carrier that induces emotional reactions." Mark Rothko's strong colors convey even stronger emotional resonance in his large paintings, with extremely smooth and quiet appearances. Above the canvas, there are the color blocks. The space seems no depth, however, the colors jump between this shallow gap that is somehow not there sometimes. The huge colorful squares, accompanied by dim, soft edges, hide intriguing things from people. This arouses the hidden passion, fear, sorrow, and pursuit of eternity and mystery.


With colors, Rothko injected his strong spirit into his paintings. He was known for a lingering and unforgettable touch, which makes people feel like being with Rothko’s spirit, instead of the painting in the physical world.


Stopping for a moment while wandering through the stairs of the hotel lobby, it is hard to not be immersed in the senseful space created by colors. Fainted glow through the blooming light, flows in the space to deliver an atmosphere of delicacy and warmth, guiding emotions to a continuous resonance. Anyone surrounded by this is affected, thus the mood becomes more subtle.


Time passes through space into a vague poem. Light and matter, diluted by the grid, recombined to form a gentle state. The comfortable and charming space is full of peaceful feelings. Vertical parallel lines are used as a medium to blur the edges of everything. The dialogue between light and shadow, reality and void, are evoked by the haziness of the visual effects.


Come and sit by the window in front of the dining table. The passing birds bring a gust of breeze under the sun. It is the kind of breeze that reminds people of the tranquility and beauty brought by nature. “Slow", this luxury word, seems particularly extravagant when the modern society is filled with words like motivation, time, efficiency. Nevertheless, does it mean that we will lose a subject whenever it is described as luxury.

03. City Memory 城市記憶


What makes a city is not about the number of steps in the ups and downs, the degree of the arc of the arcade, and the kind of tile on the roof. It is the relationship between its spatial magnitude and historic events. Haikou is like a sponge, soaking up these flowing memories, then writing it in the colors of dusk, the corners of the streets, the dunes of the beach and the floating wood.


Hainan’s traditional architecture records climate characteristics, cultural heritage, ethnic migration, and collision and integration of multi-cultures, building a bridge between the past and the present. The layout of the lobby incorporates the architectural features of traditional Hainanese houses, creating a sense of spatial ceremony with rigorous symmetry and enclosure. It constructs a space that provides emotional belongings and cultural identities, awakening people’s emotional resonance.


The exquisite carving texture of the stone and the rustic form of orthodox window decoration give the building a sense of gentle intimacy. It brings the neglectable sights and feelings into the narratives. This process of touching and gazing exhibits a sense of independence or combination, making the way people view the city different. Thus established, the relationship between architecture and people.


Connections in space are built with pure visual marks and emotions. The objective space and subjective emotion need to be achieved through visual transformation. The intensity of transmission is related to the purity of vision. Vertical lines in the continuation outline the turning edges of the shape, leaving everything else blank. They split the stereo space into lines and surfaces, conducting the transformation from three-dimension to two-dimension. They act as the skeleton of the entire project, therefore possess a unified temperament, and a harmonious feeling.


The inlaid light spots in the wall are like waves rising from the sea to break the ordinary. The internal or external facilities are transformed into visual artistic nodes according to the needs of the spatial relationship, expressing delicate and graceful emotions that mankind and nature share.


Unlike the people with feelings for sunrise, people who like to watch the sunset are often quiet. In the book "Le città invisibili", Marco Polo said in response to Kublai Khan about the urban story of Venice: “Once the memory is described with words, the image will be fixed by the words, and will be erased from the memory.” Similarly, I have begun to lose her little by little, just by talking about the city of Haikou.


Stand among non-stop blossom on this winterless island, waiting for the sunset for thousands of times. When people witness the fading of a beautiful feast, the peace in mind shall be found eventually. Just for that glowing moment, I shall come as the destination shall be far.

△ 平面圖紙 | Floor Plan



Design unit|設計單位:ADD加設計



Design time|設計時間:2018年01月

Completed time|竣工時間:2020年02月

Chief designer|主案設計:李想

Project Management|項目管理:陳萬鎂 吳海清

Design team|方案設計:葉歡 陳家煒

Design team|軟裝設計:朱川平 鄧惠清 張慧

Media Management|傳媒管理:鄭華純 鄧婉秋

Photography|攝影:冷登峰 李貞


